How Google Maps Can Help You Find a Parking Spot Soon

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Google Maps could possibly be taking on the role of a parking assistant if latest features within the pre-release edition make it to the public.

Theres nothing worse for drivers than a parking struggle. Fighting for a parking space can instantly ruin your day, especially if youre pressed for time. This is one of the reasons why the ever-astute Google is readying a solution for its users – alerts on parking availability via Google Maps.

Parking Features

A pre-release edition of Google Maps kicks off the service by telling users how challenging it is to locate a vacant parking slot. Google Map’s new parking feature could very well be a significant help when getting close to a concert hall, a sports arena, or a shopping mall, where it’s difficult to tell how likely you can find a free parking space.

According to Android Police, it seems that Google Maps provides three car parking difficulty levels: Easy, Medium, and Limited. According to tech review blogs and experts who sell electronics, it’s still unclear if Google Maps will convey the probability of accessibility on account of the time of the day or an event. It could possibly base its level grading on the range of parking slots regularly available in a certain place.

Apart from the parking alerts, a new control in “Navigation to keep the map “north-up” is expected to be launched as well. This function is connected to another feature created to avoid an accidental swipe from interfering with the map’s rotation. Whenever the north-up mode is used, the maps will click back to the standard orientation if the screen is swiped using two fingers. This helps when you zoom in to view the approaching road turns.

Maps Updates

As of press time, no official announcement has been made about the release date of Google Maps’ newest edition.

But one Google Maps-related application that is now open to the public is Verne: The Himalayas. This app was built using the Google Maps 3D photographs of The Himalayas. The app is part game, part- 3D map. The player becomes a 500-foot Yeti named Verne who “travels” around the mountain ranges. Users can download the app on Google Play.

Google has also announced that its embracing the power of its users with a variety of additional features that will enable users to share locations and modify recommendations generated by others with less effort. A few of these features have already been experienced by users, but the search engine giant is now making the features official. The company also provides insights on why and how to use the new features.

According to Google’s blog, the company is making countless improvements to Google Maps across the world each day. However, the daily updates are still insufficient to guarantee that every single diner, store, or landmark around the globe has the most exact details possible. It’s also the reason why Google has been launching new and easy means for users to help keep the local communities and places where they spend the most time in updated.

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Cesar N

Blogger at Gadget Salvation since 2014. Technology enthusiast.

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