Instagram Stories on Mobile Web

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Instagram isn’t playing around.

The photo-centric app releases updates now and again to solidify its mark in the social media world, the latest of which is Instagram Stories on mobile web. Users are now able to add to their story directly from the web, provided they are using their mobile phone.

As the new update has just been released, it’s still quite basic at the moment. Still photos and text overlays are the only features available right now. Most of Instagram’s fun features, such as the face filters and stickers, are yet to be available. As per Instagram, posting video clips on Stories is also “to follow.”

Although those are pretty significant limitations, the update is not without advantages. Stories on mobile web give users a way to be in the loop even if they rarely use the actual app.


The Big Step

With Stories on mobile web, users can now view unique photo content on their browsers. This gives them a full Instagram viewing experience regardless of where they’re signed in. Accessing and displaying Stories on mobile web differs from watching it from the app. The web version provides arrows to help users navigate between posts. This is a thoughtful consideration for users that have a desktop without a touchscreen.

Back in May, Instagram launched a feature that enables users to post photos outside of the app. Most social media experts have predicted that Stories will make its way on the web. The new feature is a huge step in providing alternatives for users with unreliable data connections. It also makes the social platform accessible to its billion-plus registered users.

More Stories for everyone means more opportunities for interaction. That’s a big thing for content creators and social media marketers. And with over 250 million active users per day already, the app will just continue to build and optimize its vast user base.

The mobile web feature also gives Instagram a good boost, particularly in developing countries. This is where some users don’t get enough data to download native applications. That’s a smart move by the company. After all, it’s the area where Instagram’s biggest competition, Snapchat, struggles with. If Instagram can establish Stories on mobile web globally before Snapchat does, it can secure long-lasting viewers.


More Updates

Stories on mobile web isn’t the only update from Instagram. Not long ago, they released a Pinterest-like function to save pictures and videos. By tapping the bookmark icon on a particular post, it will send the content to the Saved section. Users can create several folders within that section. No notification will be made to the original poster of the photo or video if their content is saved.

The Saved feature is particularly handy for those who love collecting content to use for later on. They can create multiple folders depending on their needs. One can be for travel, another for food, and so on.

In the same vein, Facebook – Instagram’s parent – also combined two of its stories features. Any story users post on the site itself or the Messenger app will appear on both platforms.

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Cesar N

Blogger at Gadget Salvation since 2014. Technology enthusiast.

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