A List of the Weirdest Gadgets to Date

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As vendors who sell electronics can fully attest, for every useful and practical gizmo in the world, there are plenty more that are straight-up weird and absurd. The Consumer Electronics Show is the hub for inventors and developers of both the most amazing inventions and the mostridiculous creations.

CES never has a shortage of strange gadgets. These “weird” gizmos may never be a success, they may not even reach electronic shops – but theyre popular during the show, thanks to the curiosity of the shows attendees.

Heres a list of some of the weirdest gadgets exhibited in CES in the past couple of years.

  • Video Games for Dogs

CleverPet thought you’ll be enthusiastic about a game console that is operated using Wi-Fi and LEDs to feed your family dog. Try to picture this: playing Simon Says with your beloved pet that would really just want to eat, run, and go back to sleep. Pre-order price for the video game is $269. Dan Knudsen, the founder of CleverPet, shared that the most challenging part in this is persuading people that a game console for a dog is actually a clever idea, not a ridiculous one.

  • Parrot Pot

Two years ago, Parrot presented Flower Power, a soil monitor with Bluetooth connection. This year, the company is back with a Parrot Pot – a pot created to measure the moisture of the soil, the temperature of the surrounding, and the level of light every 15 minutes. It includes a 2.2- liter water tank that automatically irrigates plants, pulling hydration info from a database of roughly 8,000 plants.

It has no camera or any other fancy features, but if you’re notorious for killing plants, the Parrot Pot may help you keep them alive.

  • Edwin the Duck

This one is not weird in a strange manner, but weird in a bordering creepy way. A typical rubber duck is used for young kids’ bath time. Edwin the Duck, on the other hand, is an “improvement” of the old rubber duck. Pi Labs created an app-enhanced ducky meant to stick with your child from bath time to story time. It will be then tucked in with your baby as he/she sleeps. Edwin the Duck also features a waterproof speaker and is temperature sensitive.

  • Belty

Introduced as a “smart belt” by French startup Emiota, Belty basically tells you when you’re putting on weight. It includes motors that allow the belt to loosen itself whenever your waistline expands. This act serves as a reminder it’s time for you to exercise or to change your eating habits altogether.

  • Baby GiGL

The makers of Baby GiGL, Slow Control, is a regular on the list of Weird CES gizmos for quite some time now. This year’s weird serving is the Baby GiGL. It is a smart bottle monitor. Basically, it just tells you how much milk your child has consumed. It also features feedback on how your kid holds his bottle.

When you think about it, some of these gizmos are not weird, per se. However, most of them just seem pointless.

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